K9 Security Dog Consultation Services for Dog Centers

Regarding K9 Security Dog Consultation Services, the owner of Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy, John Greyvenstein is internationally recognized as a world authority on the training of service dogs.  He also lends his expertise to establishing independent Dog Centres, or the evaluation of existing Dog Centres. K9 Security Dog Consultation Services include:

  • Comprehensive planning, implementation, and operational requirements regarding Dog Centres
  • Evaluation of effectiveness of existing Dog centres as well as of security systems making use of dogs, with specific emphasis on application, and cost control
  • Evaluation of individual dogs regarding behaviour characteristic, and suitability for use in a breeding programme
  • Any other practical problems experienced during the breeding or training of dogs.


K9 Security Dog Consultation Services ensure Independent Operations

The philosophical point of departure in the rendering of K9 Security Dog Consultation Services is to ensure that the Unit will be able to operate independently, with the capacity to provide work opportunities for its own people. Training and development of personnel is focused on long-term career planning, and making the application of relevant qualifications a practical reality. In order to achieve these outcomes, qualifications are bench marked against international standards, and that quality management is also in line with international standards.


K9 Security Dog Consultation Services ensure Continuity and Sustainability

During the rendering of K9 Security Dog Consultation Services, continuity and sustainability are achieved though the transfer of knowledge, skills and technology, and the implementation of quality management systems and procedures. The final result envisaged is a totally independent entity, that functions at optimal levels of performance.


John Greyvenstein is internationally renowned for K9 Security Dog Consultation Services

The rendering of K9 Security Dog Consultation Services comes naturally to John Greyvenstein BS.c Zoology. (Honors) MS.c Genetics. He did extensive research into service dogs for his thesis, Genetic correlation of behavior and other features of working dogs. He was head of the dog center of Escom (the South African Electricity Supply Commission), and developed it into the largest breeding and training center for working dogs in the Southern Hemisphere at the time. He also served on the Cabinet committee making recommendations on the privatization of dog centres in South Africa.

John founded Bio Dog Services (now Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy) in 1987, developing it into one of the largest private training centres for working dogs in Southern Africa, that is also accredited with PSIRA (Private Security Industry Regulating Authority) as well as SASSETA (Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority Community » Educational) John is one of only a handful of A-level DH5 accredited instructors in the RSA – substantiating his role and reputation in rendering K9 Security Dog Consultation Services.


K9 Security Dog Consultation Services is in constant International demand

In the rendering of K9 Security Dog Consultation Services, John is in constant demand (in South Africa as well as internationally) to act as Project Manager for the establishing of specialized dog training and operational centres for a variety of applications. John Greyvenstein operates from Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy, located just east of Pretoria (Capital city of South Africa).