Email Address

Phone Number

012 734 4733

Our Location

Plot 82, Rayton


Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy operates a highly professional training academy for dogs and handlers, training dogs for general guarding and protection cum companionship – and trains its owner/family as well. Dogs and handlers are also trained for specialized tasks.

The company is one of only a few accredited dog and handler training centers in South Africa, having been accredited by PSIRA (the South African Security Industry Regulatory Authority) as well as SASSETA (Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority) to the highest level. Braveheart can award nationally accepted Certificates of Competence for both dog and handler, to the highest level.

International consultation services are also provided via their CEO, John Greyvenstein – MSc (Genetics), BSc (Zoology). MORE ABOUT THIS IN A FOLLOW-UP POST

Braveheart operates internationally from its Training Academy situated approximately 30 km east of Pretoria, the Capital City of South Africa.

The Braveheart team has a wealth of experience, locally, throughout Africa, and abroad.

We provide services to African countries like, amongst others Mozambique, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, and Namibia – for application in Africa, the best choice one can make is a Dog and Handler team trained by our South African experts who intimately know the African situation.

Internationally, Braveheart is supplying services, products, and consultation to various countries – big and small.

Included in our services are training tracking dog and handler teams – at our training academy we even boast training facilities simulating real-life situations and environments the dog is bound to encounter, like open areas, vehicles, containers, and even a warehouse

One of the most important services offered by Braveheart is the training of substance detection dog and handler teams for narcotics, explosives and Eco-products (a world first) detection as well as independent professional research on service dog related training aids – like professional vapor strips. These services however warrant an independent LinkedIn posting dedicated exclusively to research in our professional laboratory situated on the premises of the Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy; and the highly professional challenge of training dog and handler teams for substance detection with a minimum of false alarms, or any danger to dog or handler. WATCH THIS SPACE!

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